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   INTERTRANS GmbH - Europäische Verkehrsdienste
We are here for you
MO-FR 7:00-18:00
Any questions?
+ 49 (0)621 - 5704-0
Industriestraße 6
67240 Bobenheim-Roxheim

     Domestic traffics
     International traffics
     Bulk cargo
     Special traffics
     Air and Sea cargo
     Data exchange / IT
     Loading equipment


     Freight inquery
     Shipment state
     Consignment platform


     Image Film
     Quality and corporate policy

     Current job positions
     Apprenticeship at Intertrans
     Flyer apprenticeship freight forwarder
     Flyer apprenticeship warehouse logistics


Bulk cargo


The transport of bulk goods is no problem for us, both nationally and internationally.
We have gained a lot of experience in this market segment, we only work with carriers we know personally, and subcontracting of transport is strictly forbidden.
  To be used:
• Various tipping trailer trains with discharge flap
• Various tipping semi-trailers with discharge flap (up to 90 m³)
• Various tipping articulated lorries (tipping backwards and sideways, 50 m³)
• Various silo vehicles (Kipp-7 horizontal silos and bottom silos)
   on request also with cyclone or multi-chamber system
• Various container vehicles (tiltable and removable, 80 m³)
• Various 3-way tipper, 6 + 8 m loading area, 2.4 m interior height (up to 80 m³)
• Various semi-trailers with incline and conveyor belt (band wagon), insulated
• various walking floor / walking floor trailer, 2.60 m interior height (up to 100 m³) 

The transport of bulk goods is no problem for us, both nationally and internationally.
We have gained a lot of experience in this market segment, we only work with carriers we know personally, and subcontracting of transport is strictly forbidden.

To be used:
• Various tipping trailer trains with discharge flap
• Various tipping semi-trailers with discharge flap (up to 90 m³)
• Various tipping articulated lorries (tipping backwards and sideways, 50 m³)
• Various silo vehicles (Kipp-7 horizontal silos and bottom silos) on request also with cyclone or multi-chamber system
• Various container vehicles (tiltable and removable, 80 m³)
• Various 3-way tipper, 6 + 8 m loading area, 2.4 m interior height (up to 80 m³)
• Various semi-trailers with incline and conveyor belt (band wagon), insulated
• various walking floor / walking floor trailer, 2.60 m interior height (up to 100 m³) 


Bulk goods are conveyed to the rear without tipping the vehicle, suitable for hall unloading, hopper for belt unloading available

All vehicles are equipped with a car telephone and, depending on the vehicle type, have waterproof tarpaulins, with body heating and/or are suitable for customs seals. 


Sascha Müsel
Bernhard Schanz
Jacqueline Surkau

Chantal Kuhl
Sascha Müsel
Bernhard Schanz
Jacqueline Surkau

Shipment Plattform
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