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   INTERTRANS GmbH - Europäische Verkehrsdienste
We are here for you
MO-FR 7:00-18:00
Any questions?
+ 49 (0)621 - 5704-0
Industriestraße 6
67240 Bobenheim-Roxheim

     Domestic traffics
     International traffics
     Bulk cargo
     Special traffics
     Air and Sea cargo
     Data exchange / IT
     Loading equipment


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     Shipment state
     Consignment platform


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Data exchange / IT

Today, a computer is common in nearly every part of bussiness and even in a forwarding company the vehicles will stop without the papaers, created by using electronic data processing. Therefore it is very important for all partners to interchange the electronic data.

As a modern forwarding company we offer You the abilities to send Your data to us in more then one way. The first choice is tu use our Online-Consignment tool, placed on our internet platform, but there are some more options which can be chosen by You to interchange your data. Here you have an overview:

Online-Consignment tool

The easiest an fastest way to commit Your data to us is to use the Online-Consignment tool. With an integrated online form and special tools like address book or label printing, the interchange of Your consignment data is like a cakewalk because Your data will be transmitted to us immediately. When we get Your data, thei will be transfered to our system after a short check up - and all this closed to Your submit!

And also there is the possibility for you to order and configure a special data exchange interface for your individual shipment files, built in our online systems so there is no need for extra technical efforts for you.

Are you interessted? Learn more by contacting our IT department.

Data exchange by using FTP

You want to send us Your data, generated by your inhouse software? No problem. We offer You the ability to commit your data via FTP to us. Available are the file formats:

• Fortras 128 (IDS 6)
• Fortras V100 
• Edifact / IFCSUM D.96a

To connect to our FTP server You will need a FTP-Client (for free). If You need a username and password, please feel free to contact us so we can send You Your personal login information.

Contact person

Peter Siener
Jörn Pinker

Shipment Plattform
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