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   INTERTRANS GmbH - Europäische Verkehrsdienste
We are here for you
MO-FR 7:00-18:00
Any questions?
+ 49 (0)621 - 5704-0
Industriestraße 6
67240 Bobenheim-Roxheim

     Domestic traffics
     International traffics
     Bulk cargo
     Special traffics
     Air and Sea cargo
     Data exchange / IT
     Loading equipment


     Freight inquery
     Shipment state
     Consignment platform


     Image Film
     Quality and corporate policy

     Current job positions
     Apprenticeship at Intertrans
     Flyer apprenticeship freight forwarder
     Flyer apprenticeship warehouse logistics




Our logistics area covers 12,500 m² and is divided into 3 sub-areas:
- Transhipment warehouse
- High-bay and block storage, as well as outdoor storage
- Commission warehouse
▪ Approx. 100 employees in the commercial and industrial area, of which approx. 20 employees work in logistics
▪ Work such as picking, foiling, repackaging, taking samples, labeling, tapes and much more
▪ In addition to the classic warehousing business, we create additional solutions for individual logistics concepts
▪ The warehouse is flood-proof, has a fire alarm control panel (BMZ), sprinkler system and an activated intruder alarm system
▪ The warehouse can be inspected at any time during business hours, accompanied by our employees

Our logistics area covers 12,500 m² and is divided into 3 sub-areas:

- Transhipment warehouse
- High-bay and block storage, as well as outdoor storage
- Commission warehouse


▪ Approx. 100 employees in the commercial and industrial area, of which approx. 20 employees work in logistics
▪ Work such as picking, foiling, repackaging, taking samples, labeling, tapes and much more
▪ In addition to the classic warehousing business, we create additional solutions for individual logistics concepts
▪ The warehouse is flood-proof, has a fire alarm control panel (BMZ), sprinkler system and an activated intruder alarm system
▪ The warehouse can be inspected at any time during business hours, accompanied by our employees

Contact person

Burak Akbas
Stefan Ackermann

Shipment Plattform
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