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Smart Conceptcar

On Tuesday, September 30th until Friday, Octobre 3rd was the international chemical exhibition Expoquimia located in Barcelona, Spain. This is an essential event in the field of general chemistry application. Through this event, the competitiveness of its enterprises is increased. Here is the latest scientific and technological innovation shown. Expoquimia is known as a meeting place for new and existing partners.

Also one of the exhibitors there was the largest chemical company wolrdwide, BASF SE in Ludwigshafen, and one of the exhibits, which was shown on the Expoquimia from BASF, was the Smart Conceptcar.


The exhibited prototype of this vehicle was successfully transferred from Ludwigshafen to Barcelona and back home by Intertrans Ludwigshafen, commissioned by BASF. The car, which has an price of 1,5 million Euro, was loaded inside a wodden box by a 7,5 tons truck and handeled without any problems to its destination in Barcelona.

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