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Giants Of The Sea

Since a long time there is an atmosphere of change in Ludwigshafen am Rhein, a city of Rhineland-Palatinate in Germany, at the heart of the metropolitan area Rhine-Neckar. After some big infrastructural projects like "Anschluss 2000" (a new trainstation at downtown) and the Walzmühlen-Zenter (a shopping mall) the big change now is the opening of the city to the river of Rhine. Next to the banks of the river, surrounded by the floating waters of this old stream and the sounds and agility of the young city is now the new pearl of Ludwigshafen and the marrow of the downtown - the Rhein-Galerie (Rhine Gallery).

The grand opening of the center is also the finish of the year long reconstruction period of the inner city of Ludwigshafen. Everywere were noises, traffic jams and building lot. Now the opening of the Rhein-Galerie ist the milestone of all that drudgery and will be celebrated on September the 29th, 2010. then, the new shopping mall by the ECE-Group opens his doors to the public.

And because of this grand opening, the city council of Ludwigshafen developed a special program. A great outdoor exhibition will start all over the streets of downtown. For this event, the company of Wolter-Design in Rehburg-Loccum created special sculptures, settled normaly at the deep seas of the world. Now they take a visit to Ludwigshafen - the Giants Of The Sea - a collection of great glyphs inspirated by animals of the sea. The exhibition takes the time of 4 weeks.

The transportation of these giant artifical animals was handled by the local fright forwarder INTERTRANS, settled at the suburban part Mundenheim. 3 big trucks were used: 2 artic trucks an a jumbo truck. These was needful because of the dimensions of this prominent freight, e.g. the big shark with a length of 10 meters used a truck for its own.

The unloading began at the morning of friday 09/24/2010 on the city place called "Berliner Platz" in the middle of the downtown and not far away of the new shopping mall. For this procedure all trucks has to be placed in a half circled formation. With the help of the crew members by Wolter-Design, all animals and parts were lifted from the trailers by using a truck-mounted crane, and were placed on the bottom to assign all parts to the coworkers of the city council.

Picture gallery

Here you find some pictures of the trucks and the unloading of the animals at Berliner Platz. Please click on the pictures to enlarge them.

A complete set of the pictures can be downloaded if you click here (ca. 3,1 MB).

Further web pages (in German):

» Homepage of Wolter-Design
» Homepage of "Rhein-Galerie"
» Homepage "Heute für Morgen" by the city of Ludwigshafen

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